Brotherly Love

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Originally $8000

Artist Philip Letsu

Acrylic on canvas

60″ X 48″ in.

The artist skillfully captures joy, celebration, and brotherhood in “Brotherly Love”. The central focus is on two young Black men holding vibrant red roses, which symbolize love, passion, and unity. The bold red color of the roses stands out against the backdrop, emphasizing their significance as a tangible representation of the men’s bond and shared connection.

Item condition: New

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Artwork Details

Originally $8000
Artist Philip Letsu Acrylic on canvas 60" X 48" in. The artist skillfully captures joy, celebration, and brotherhood in "Brotherly Love". The central focus is on two young Black men holding vibrant red roses, which symbolize love, passion, and unity. The bold red color of the roses stands out against the backdrop, emphasizing their significance as a tangible representation of the men's bond and shared connection.


In this captivating painting, the artist skillfully captures the essence of joy, celebration, and brotherhood. The scene unfolds with two young black men depicted prominently at its center. Their radiant gaze illuminate the canvas as they stand side by side, exuding an aura of happiness.

The men are holding vibrant red roses in their hands, symbolizing love, passion, and unity. The bold red hue of the roses contrasts beautifully against the backdrop, drawing attention to their significance. The roses serve as a tangible representation of their bond and the shared connection they experience.

Additional information

Dimensions60 × 2 × 48 in

Blue, Gold, Pink, Yellow

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