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Originally $5500

Artist Alexander Varvaridze


Oil on canvas

51.18″ x 43.31″

Alexander Varvaridze shows a distinctive approach using figurative shapes and colors. His portraits are more emotive than realistic, allowing for various interpretations. In his abstract work, Varvaridze mobilizes the dynamics between matte surfaces, natural patterns, and textured layers of oil paint and other mediums to create a strong visual impact.

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Artwork Details

Originally $5500
Artist Alexander Varvaridze 2019 Oil on canvas 51.18″ x 43.31″ Alexander Varvaridze shows a distinctive approach using figurative shapes and colors. His portraits are more emotive than realistic, allowing for various interpretations. In his abstract work, Varvaridze mobilizes the dynamics between matte surfaces, natural patterns, and textured layers of oil paint and other mediums to create a strong visual impact.


About the artist

Alexander Varvaridze is a visual artist best known for his paintings. He uses a very distinctive approach in his work consisting of figurative shapes and colors. His portraits show him as an emotional painter rather than a realist, which gives him a lot of room for interpretation. Alexander’s abstract work mobilizes the tensions and harmonies between matte surfaces, natural patterns, and textures built with layered surfaces of oil paint and additional mediums.

Additional information

Dimensions43.31 × 51.18 in

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