
Jane on Jane

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Originally $8000

Artist Philip Letsu

Acrylic on canvas

60″ x 48″

“Jane on Jane” captures a luxurious, carefree lifestyle. It depicts two Black women seated by a poolside, wearing vibrant bathing suits that add to the visual appeal. With their gaze turned away from the audience, the women suggest a readiness to abandon responsibilities and immerse themselves in the joy and happiness offered by the pool. This artwork invites viewers to embrace spontaneity, seize the present moment, and prioritize their own well-being by indulging in life’s simple pleasures.

Item condition: New

Auction Expired because there were no bids

Artwork Details

Originally $8000
Artist Philip Letsu Acrylic on canvas 60" x 48" "Jane on Jane" captures a luxurious, carefree lifestyle. It depicts two Black women seated by a poolside, wearing vibrant bathing suits that add to the visual appeal. With their gaze turned away from the audience, the women suggest a readiness to abandon responsibilities and immerse themselves in the joy and happiness offered by the pool. This artwork invites viewers to embrace spontaneity, seize the present moment, and prioritize their own well-being by indulging in life's simple pleasures.


The artwork “Jane on Jane” captures a luxurious, carefree lifestyle. It depicts two Black women seated by a poolside, wearing vibrant bathing suits that add to the visual appeal. With their gaze turned away from the audience, the women suggest a readiness to abandon responsibilities and immerse themselves in the joy and happiness offered by the pool. This artwork invites viewers to embrace spontaneity, seize the present moment, and prioritize their own well-being by indulging in life’s simple pleasures.

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Beige, Blue, Green, Red

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