Hi Haleh, we’d love to hear about how you approach risk and risk-taking
To me, the whole purpose of life is to constantly go into the unknown and discover new gems about yourself and find your true essence. Without taking risks, your life becomes more of a culmination of predictable events. We often think that we can stay the same if we continue with what we do, but the reality is we either go backward or forward. Hence, risk-taking is a milieu to conquering our fears and growing into the person we are destined to be.

Let’s talk shop? Tell us more about your career, what can you share with our community?
I am a Contemporary Artist that works in different series. There’s nothing I’ve done that hasn’t been done before, and that is the case for everyone. What sets me apart though, like anyone else, is my unique energy that I bring into any creative pursuit. There’s only one of me in this world and I take that very seriously, because I have a responsibility to bring my totality and individuality to whatever I do. In that sense, I am very unique like everyone else.
The lesson I learned is not to over identify with the content of who I think I am. If I aim to find happiness by adding more and more content to who I am, I will stay stuck in my history and in my identity. The mystery is to constantly dropping the past and allowing the presence.
I’m here to express my inner ecstasy, joy and creativity and engage in an energetic exchange with my community.
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